Warts (verruca vulgaris): Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
In humans, warts caused by infection with human papilloma virus (HPV, human papillomavirus). Warts (verruca vulgaris) is a benign papule that may arise in part anywhere on the skin. There are many derivatives of HPV. Most likely to infect the genital or anal area, causing genital warts, while others colonize the fingers and hands, causing ordinary warts. Plantar warts are warts that grow on the bottom of the foot that extends to within and not outside. Warts are transmitted through skin contact to the skin. Genital warts are considered a sexually transmitted disease.

Some research suggests that more than 40% of young women who use the university health center for their gynecologic care, suffer from genital warts. Certain derivatives associated with known genital warts cervical cancer, other derivatives are not likely to become cancerous. Risk of cervical cancer formation is higher in women with genital warts who smoke. This is most likely related to the fact that cervical mucus contains many tobacco toxins, which may work in synergistic with HPV to cause cancer.

Types of warts
Verruca subdivided based on clinical morphology and anatomic location. Certain lesions are typically caused by certain types of papilloma virus.
• verruca verruca vulgaris is the type most commonly found and most often seen on the dorsum of the hand. There are papules which are macroscopic white-gray to yellow-brown, flat to convex shape and size of 0.1 to 1 cm with a surface like a rough gravel.

• verruca Plana (flat wart) commonly occur on the face or the dorsum of the hand. By macroscopic, verruca Plana form a flat papules, palpable soft, red with a smaller size than the size of the verruca vulgaris.

• verruca plantar (soles of feet) or palmar (palms) place as a rough and scaly lesions with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm that can together, these lesions can be confused with the callus.

• akuminata condyloma (anogenital and venereal verruca) discovered as a palpable mass and red soft like cauliflower with that reached several centimeters in diameter.

Clinical Overview
• skin warts may be flat or round, large or small.
• Genital warts have a picture like cauliflower. Warts can be found at the tip or shaft of the penis, on the labium, the vagina, or around the anus.

• Diagnosis is made by history and physical examination.
• Lesions can sometimes be biopsied for histological confirmation of HPV as well as mapping the lesion.
• Cervical cancer in women can be regarded as a complication of HPV infection caused by HPV infection by certain derivatives.
• Although rare, newborns exposed during the process of genital warts can develop warts native esophagus.
• Genital warts can cause low self-esteem and feelings of guilt and shame in patients. Patients with HPV usually does not want to build new relationships.

• Warts will disappear itself after stimulated immune system to recognize it. This usually occurs after a vascular or bleeding warts.
• Irritation of the skin or plantar warts with application of salicylic acid, formaldehyde, podofilurn or other skin irritants to stimulate an immune reaction against the wart. Warts often reappear after treatment.
• Liquid nitrogen, frozen surgical, or laser can be used to remove warts are stubborn or look bad, or warts in the genital area or esophagus.

Pathophysiology Pocket Book by Elizabeth J. Corwin Corwin
Pathological Basis of disease BS ed 7 By Mitchell, Kumar, Abbas & Fausto
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