Physical Examination Pregnancy
Physical assessment should be comprehensive and include medical history. There are several things to consider in conducting physical assessments, including the attitude of health workers while doing the assessment. Apart from having to maintain propriety, officers must maintain good relationships with patients. Before performing the examination, ensure that the environment in which the examination as comfortable as possible, including setting the exposure. Nursing care in pregnant women with the recording of accurate data is expected to capture the action taken in accordance with the problem or condition of the patient.

Understanding Physical Examination
Physical examination is the examination conducted on the body from head to toe. Pregnancy is a process of fertilization in order to continue the descent that occurs naturally, produced normal growing fetus inside the mother m Rahi.

Physical Examination Objectives
Physical examination in pregnant women in addition to aiming to find out the health of mother and fetus at this time, also aims to identify changes that occur in the next examination. The determination of whether the mother is pregnant or not is required when the mother first visited a health worker. If the results of the examination on the first visit of the mother declared pregnant, then the next step necessary to determine how old her pregnancy. Any examination of pregnancy is to see and feel the officer will determine whether a healthy mother, the fetus is growing well, higher fundus uteri according to age kahamilan or not, and where the location of the fetus.
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